Your Source for All Things Advertising

Jenna Walker Jenna Walker

TV for Everyone 

Television remains one of the most effective ways to reach a large and varied audience. With their ability to deliver compelling storytelling, TV ads create engaging and memorable content that effectively communicates your brand’s message and values.

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McKinley Williamson McKinley Williamson

Event Recap: Insights From Netroots 2024

The Netroots 2024 conference brought together progressive activists, organizers, and thought leaders nationwide to strategize around outreach and messaging for the 2024 election.

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Jenna Walker Jenna Walker

AdMessenger for Everyone

In a world where nearly everyone’s smartphone is a near-constant companion, your business must embrace mobile advertising and the potential to connect with customers in meaningful and impactful ways.

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Hannah Allen Hannah Allen

Your Guide to Political Advertising in 2024

The ins and outs of political advertising can be complex. There’s nothing quite like it. For months, candidates vie to get their message in front of voters — to stand out and show them who they are and why they should vote for them. While every election season can be intense, political ad spending is projected at $15.9 billion in 2024 — up more than 30% from 2019-2020.

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Hannah Allen Hannah Allen

Ads for Everyone

Optimum Media (formerly a4) provides advertising for everyone. Our dedicated teams specializing in local, national, and political sales and our vast array of media solutions allow us to tailor your advertising plan to reach your audience and accomplish your goals — across any screen.

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Hannah Allen Hannah Allen

Our Scale Helps You Scale

In this article we will discuss HOW we do what we do. From first-party data to proprietary products, read on to learn how our large-scale capabilities help your business scale.

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