Your Voice, Amplified

Multiscreen marketing is more than just a large-scale campaign; it's a storytelling strategy that brands can utilize to reach audiences across multiple platforms. It’s a way to amplify your voice, break through the advertising noise, and stand out to consumers.

Did you know that a campaign featuring linear, streaming, and mobile can increase purchase intent by 13%? It’s true — people respond better to seeing ads across multiple screens. It creates better recall and increases purchase intent when combined with the right platforms.

Deciding what platforms and media mix to use can be overwhelming. We get it. There are so many ways your brand can advertise. In this article, we will discuss the values of each platform, what media mix can see the most results, and how Optimum Media can help amplify your advertising message across all screens.


For years, the industry has predicted the “death” of traditional linear TV. While things certainly have changed, 56% of Americans continue to watch cable or satellite TV. TV commercials are seen and heard by large audiences; a good commercial seen by tens of thousands of people can lead to increased brand awareness. Viewers remember TV ads more than 46% of the time, compared to other tactics that are far less effective. The best part? Optimum Media has direct access to hundreds of cable networks across Optimum markets — including our owned news networks: News12 and Cheddar News, making it easy for your business to utilize the benefits of cable TV.


While brand awareness is essential, there is no denying the benefits of targeted advertising. After all, that is the end goal for all campaigns — reaching the right audience at the right time. Connected Television, or CTV, embodies the best of linear TV with the added touch of digital targetability, interactivity, and measurability. With CTV, your brand can reach potential customers using location targeting, contextual targeting, demographics, and so much more.

With nearly 87% of all U.S. households using connected TVs in 2022 and many users watching CTV devices daily, utilizing CTV is becoming a crucial part of ad campaigns.


To stay relevant to consumers, you must go where consumers are — on their phones. People spend about 4 hours and 10 minutes a day using mobile devices. Not only is mobile advertising more cost-effective compared to other media, but it also presents a number of marketing channels to amplify your ad message. While digital ads on mobile websites may seem the most obvious choice, you can also take advantage of social media or in-app advertising. Products like Optimum Media’s AdMessenger offer simple, mobile solutions — an excellent extension to your multi-screen campaign.

Your Media Mix Matters

Understanding your business goals, the audience you want to reach, and your budget will help determine what media mix fits for you. It’s less about being on all platforms and more about choosing a media partner that can plan strategically against your goals while maximizing your voice to the right audience.

For example, if you want to drive e-commerce sales, a mobile campaign may be right for you. If you’re a more established brand or have a larger budget, you may lead with linear to cast the widest attention net in your first exposure. The right media partner will guide you through this to ensure you are being heard by the audience most likely to take action from your message.

A recent study published on Digiday showed that leading with linear on a cross-channel campaign increased purchase intent by 25%, while streaming resulted in 14%, and mobile just 4%. The study also stated that three forms of media appeared to be better than one or two — with 81% of viewers who saw three ads saying the messaging was clearly communicated. These numbers were lower for those who saw only one or two ads.

Whatever the mix, it's also important to remember the message served across each medium. While consumers are more likely to respond to seeing an ad across multiple screens, it's still important to diversify your message to avoid ad fatigue. Knowing your goals and KPIs for each platform and how they are most likely to influence consumers can help you create compelling messaging for each.

Where Optimum Media Comes In

Multiscreen advertising campaigns have a lot of moving parts. Having one partner to amplify your voice across all platforms can not only create a larger ripple effect, but also save you valuable time. Partnering with Optimum Media gives you the power to create a strategic media plan to garner the best results for your brand. You will have insights into data, access to reporting, and an expert team to help your business put forth the best ad spend across all screens.

No one knows your brand better than you. Working with Optimum Media puts you in control of your message while our industry experts guide you along the way. It's your voice and your message; we're here to help you say it louder.


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