Find Your Fit with Optimum Media

Let’s be honest: Advertising can be intimidating and challenging to keep up with.

With so many options and opinions coming your way, it’s nearly impossible to decide how you should advertise. Whether you’re just starting or have been in the game for a while, one thing holds true — there are many options, and not all of them are suitable for every business. It’s easy to waste money if you aren’t carefully planning your strategy.

So, where do you start? How do you find the right fit for your business’s marketing strategy? This article will discuss how defining your business, setting your goals, and identifying your audience all play a part in developing a successful marketing strategy.

Your Business

Let’s start with the basics. No one knows your business better than you. Identifying a few simple characteristics of your business can help set you on the right track to finding the correct fit for your marketing strategy. Are you an online retail business or a local service? Do you want to reach a national audience or target a hyperlocal audience in your community? Do you have access to a large budget or creative resources?

Analyzing your business and what you are capable of is a great place to start when considering advertising or setting new marketing goals. Partnering with an expert in advertising, like Optimum Media, can help you sort out the right strategy to meet your goals. Speaking of…

Your Goals

Before we can start talking about where you want to advertise, you have to know your business’s goals. Do you need to increase sales dramatically? Are you hoping to build brand awareness? Knowing what KPIs you need to hit and why will ultimately help determine what ad formats to focus on.

For example, if your business offers e-commerce, paid social ads are an excellent way to reach large audiences. Did you know 81% of Instagram users use the platform to research products and services? Using social media to advertise is a great way to seamlessly move consumers from the discovery to the purchase phase. Optimum Media can help you plan, execute, and analyze the results of your social campaigns.

If you want to educate consumers on your product or brand, video advertising effectively tells a story and engages audiences. According to HubSpot, 94% of marketers agree that videos have helped increase user understanding of their product or service. Advertisers have a plethora of options when it comes to video advertising. Cable TV can give you access to large audiences, while connected TV (CTV) merges what we love about TV with the benefits of digital. Luckily, Optimum Media specializes in cable TV and CTV to maximize the reach of your video campaigns.

Once you’ve nailed down your goals, it’s time to think about the audience that makes the most sense to achieve them. Whom are you trying to reach, and where are they consuming ads? This is where a partnership with Optimum Media really shines — audience reach.

Your Audience

Knowing your audience is arguably the most crucial aspect of advertising. Who are your customers? What do they care about? Things like age, location, and interests can all affect how your audience chooses to consume media. As a result, you must ensure you are investing in the ad formats your audience engages in.

For example, if Boomers make up a large percentage of your target market, consider tailoring your platform strategy based on where they’re more active. While 53% of that generation say they use social media to kill time, you may think twice before throwing ad dollars at TikTok. Instead, more established platforms like Facebook could be a valuable option. Older generations are also more likely to watch cable television over CTV and streaming services.

Is your audience made up primarily of those in your community? Think on a smaller scale. Mobile advertising is often affordable, highly targetable, and easy to use when your goals are hyperlocal. Choosing Optimum Media’s digital and mobile ad formats allows you to geotarget and geofence smaller locations.

Your Partner

Every consumer journey is different. The truth is that audiences of all types consume media across multiple screens and platforms. Choosing the right ad partner takes the guesswork out of finding what works for your brand. Having a strategic partner who can help you juggle your campaigns is key.

You’re the expert on your business. We’re advertising experts. Imagine what we could do together!

Ready to find the right fit for your advertising? We’re here to help. Contact us today to get started!


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