AdMessenger Drives Big Return for Banking Clients

Today, over 307 million people in the US own a smartphone, with the average person spending 4 hours and 23 minutes on their cell phone per day.* From morning to night, our cell phones stay closer to us than most other possessions in our lives. From the alarm we wake up to each morning until we plug them back in to charge overnight, mobile devices play an enormous part in our daily lives.

For business owners, there is a real opportunity to apply a mobile marketing strategy to their advertising plans as smartphones provide a level of connectivity to customers unlike anything else. Controlling the right message to the right audience on a device that people don’t like to let out of their sight is a very powerful opportunity.

Such is the case for a regional banking institute, which for the last four years has been utilizing Optimum Media’s proprietary mobile product AdMessenger. With over 50 individual locations throughout four states, this particular bank has been staying connected to its local communities by targeting unique users directly on their smartphones with a call to action.

Recently the bank began measuring foot traffic conversions, which tracks how many people saw the bank’s AdMessenger ad and then visited one of the bank’s locations. Within a three-month campaign, one branch recorded 209-foot traffic conversions, which has helped prove their mobile campaign’s success.

The message offered a special promotion to those who opened a new checking or savings account. The bank credited 160 new accounts to their AdMessenger campaign with Optimum Media. They also attributed over 2,200 clicks to the promotional landing page.

Another branch recently used AdMessenger to target individuals in their market who are earning an annual income of over $100,000 per year with a credit score of 725 or higher. With a goal to increase website traffic to their wealth management page, in one month they achieved over 5,000 clicks and a CTR of 1.61%. The campaign drove the wealth management page into the top five most viewed pages on their site. The branch previously used newspaper ads to drive customers into wealth management.

AdMessenger by Optimum Media is a solution that has helped thousands of clients achieve a connection to their customers on a local, regional, and national scale. Every campaign is unique, but the results are the same: Driving web traffic, bringing awareness to a targeted audience, or encouraging location visits with a customizable call to action, all on a device they can’t live without.

To learn more about how AdMessenger could help your business, please contact us today!

*SOURCE: Statista: Number of smartphone users in the US, August 2022 & eMarketer: Daily time spent on mobile phones in the US, April 2022


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